24-Hour Emergency Aid
Call Us Urgent 24/7
+1 800-123-1234

Only used in cases of accidents,
illnesses, etc. that are not life-threatening

For more serious problems
please call 911.

511 SW 10th Ave 1206,
Portland, OR United States

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24-Hour Emergency Aid
Call Us Urgent 24/7
+1 800-123-1234

Only used in cases of accidents,
illnesses, etc. that are not life-threatening

For more serious problems
please call 911.

511 SW 10th Ave 1206,
Portland, OR United States

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Healing Powder

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Call Us when you Need Help!
24/7 Support: +1 800-123-1234
  • 15天纯中药粉配方
  • 以温水冲服即可,简单又方便
  • 帮助妈咪以最快的速度摆脱伤口疼痛的困扰

【15 days postnatal healing powder】

To accelerate the healing of wound and relieves pain. Suitable for natural or C-section delivery
Twice a day, take one package each time. Stir well with warm water before having it.

We always support in emergencies, contact us immediately if you are experiencing any serious health problems.

Contact With Us!

Address: 511 SW 10th Ave 1206, Portland, OR United States

Support mail: Medicrosshealth@gmail.com

Opening Hours: Mon -Sat: 7.00am – 19.00pm

Emergency 24h: +1 800-123-1234

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