我就是此事的受害者。对两... 位吴陈博士如此过分的所作所为感到非常心寒。堂堂一个博士医师,一个给的药把人家好好的身体害惨,到现在完全没出现过,从头到尾没有对此事做出任何解释和道歉。一个出尔反尔,背信弃义,言而无信,绞尽脑汁想出各种方法扭曲和掩盖事实,其中以必须做完所有的身体检查做为针灸治疗的条件,其实目的是要绞尽脑汁来推卸责任,拒以治疗。(***有证人,有凭有据)您的医师却是一位医者仁心的医师,让人敬佩不已。您还透过雨朦医师,说要采取法律行动对付我们,堂堂一个博士医师竟然如此仗势欺压人,把人家的身体害惨,非但没有医者仁心,还倒过来欺压人,真令人感到汗颜。(25/11)扪心自问,如此过分的所作所为,对得起自己的良心良知吗?将心比心,倘若你们的家人遇到像此事件,你们会有什么感受?原来医者父母心,医者仁心,不是每个医师都有。很可惜,所有被扭曲和掩盖的事实已经一一被破绽了,因为凡走过必留痕迹,乌云遮不住太阳,谎言终究会被揭穿,公正和公义必长存。待续。。。read more
To the... founder Dr Tan Hai Chyan, we are very disappointed with you and @NC TCM to resolved to misused the herbs by Dr Wu Ying Li (Your wife) to the patient Ms Cheah. What you have promised, and agreed treatment to us are not carried on. Your irresponsible reaction of rejected us to get the treatment by your staff Chin Yu Meng on 1 Dec 2023 is caused the patient condition turning to be more serious now. Stay tuned, we will taking the legal action to get full compensation from you inclusive all the related expenses, until the patient fully recovered.read more
Great experience with TCM Adda Height. Friendly counter staffs and physicians. I received my first treatment from Dr Tan Guan Yu due to neck/muscle tense issue, she is indeed a patience and professional physician, she is great at acupuncture. My second visit, Dr Ricky is a rather competent and he is really great at manipulative therapy and he has given good advice in how to manage my muscle tension. Would definitely recommend both of them.
I went to this traditional Chinese medical centre for a few times since early Feb 2017 due to muscle sprain issues. I have a serious muscle injury that involve my both hands,my back and shoulder part. I can't even raise up my hands at that time.Finally , I received treatment from Dr Lee Jia Hong and he is indeed a professional physician. He is really good in manipulative therapy or what we so called tuina in Chinese. He got a great strength or energetic when he is doing the manipulative therapy. Not only this, he will always consider his patient's feeling by asking me whether I feel comfortable or not throughout the session. He tried to know my living styles, sleeping hours, what kinds of food taken and my emotion as well. He mentioned to me that these are the four main factors that influence one's health. Last but not least, he advised me to change my bad habits likes sleeping late, less exercise, no expose to sunlight and so on. I feel thankful to him from the deepest of my heart because he is not only healing me but also improves my living quality at the same time. I would like to give six stars to him instead of the maximum rating of five stars.
The lady at the front desk is kind and lovely ~ the doctor is knowledgeable and prescribes the right medicine, and the problem of low back pain and elbow problem has been solved
It feels like the doctor just came out, and he didn’t say anything when he saw the doctor. He asked a perfunctory answer and the price is expensive.Not recommended
their fees are much higher than others and the doctor acts like a kid couldn't ask more questions, he will feel offence about you're not trusting him, GOOD LUCK FOR YOU 🙃🙃🙃